TRS-80 Model I
- Expansion interface required (it has the floppy controller).
- "Real" disk drives optional, unless you want to create "real" diskette copies.
- Single Density (SD) is fully supported and tested. Double Density (DD) on the Model I hasn't been tested, though it should work.
- The majority of copy-protected diskettes work ...some won't.
- The SVD can emulate up to three drives, although memory on the SVD is limited such that 3 40-track diskette images won't fit.
TRS-80 Model 3 & 4
- Double Density (DD) fully supported.
- CP/M supported on the Model 4.
- SVD can operate as disks 2 and 3 when connected to the external floppy connector, and can act as disks 0 and 1 if you open up the Model 3/4 and connect the SVD to the internal floppy controller. The latter method is necessary if you want to boot the machine from the SVD.
- "Real" disk drives are optional, unless you want to create "real" diskette copies of images.
- The majority of copy-protected diskettes work ...some won't.
- A 40-track DD image fills up most of the SVD memory normally allowing only one image to be loaded at any one time on the SVD.
TRS-80 Color Computer (CoCo)
- Standard DD CoCo images supported, in JVC format.
- The standard CoCo file system is supported, too.
- OS-9 is supported, but not the file system. This means that you can boot 0S-9, but you can't download individual files...yet.
- Requires disk controller cartridge for the CoCo.
- A 35-track DD image fills up most of the SVD memory normally allowing only one image to be loaded at any one time on the SVD for the CoCo.
- "Real" disk drives are optional, unless you want to create "real" diskette copies of images.
Heathkit H8
- Hard-sectored Single Density fully supported (soft sectored not currently supported).
- All OS's supported...though it's not easy to get images. :-(
- The SVD can operate as disks 0, 1, or 2 (SY0: SY1: SY2:). NOTE, however, that the floppy signals on the H8 interface are reversed, so when using the SVD software you load disk "2" for SY0: and disk "0" for SY2: - fortunately, disk "1" is still SY1: :-)
Heathkit H89
- The H89 looks like it is working fine using the hard-sectored controller...and it has the same features at the H8...surprise, surprise.
Apple 2
- 13 and 16 sectors diskette images supported
- NOW SUPPORTS writing to the SVD
- requires a special hardware dongle to convert floppy signals
- runs most copy-protected software
- supports DOS and ProDOS and others
- can be disk #1 or #2
- Compatible with the Apple //c, but
connected differently.
- TI99/4a support is in the works
- Does NOT support DS SD
TRS-80 Model 2
- Has not been tested with the SVD but it thought to work.
- A special signal cable has to be constructed mapping the floppy control signals.
- 8" drives store a lot of information relative to their 5 1/4" cousins. Large images won't fit on the SVD.
 | DMK, JV1, and JV3 image file support. (most copy-protected ones too!)
 | single-sided single density (SS SD)
 | double density (SS DD) - not tested with all DD boards
 | double-sided (the current design doesn't have enough memory for a
DS DD image so it really doesn't make sense to support it)
 | reading/booting the diskette image
 | writing the diskette image
 | formatting the diskette image
 | downloading individual files - you can download individual BASIC programs or command files
| |
 | DMK, JV1, and JV3 image file support. (most copy-protected ones too!)
 | double density (SS DD) - some third party controllers shown NOT to work
 | single-sided single density (SS SD)
 | double-sided (the current design doesn't have enough memory for a
DS DD image so it really doesn't make sense to support it)
 | boots many different OS's - or allows boot disk creation if you only use the SVD externally
 | reading/booting the diskette image
 | connects to external floppy connector
 | connects internally if you open up the Model 3/4
 | writing the diskette image
 | formatting the diskette image
 | downloading individual files - you can download individual BASIC programs or command files
| |
 | DMK, JVC, and JV3 image file support. (some copy-protected ones too!)
 | requires floppy disk expansion cartridge
 | single-sided double density (SS DD)
 | reading/booting the diskette image
 | writing the diskette image
 | formatting the diskette image
 | downloading individual files - you can download individual BASIC programs or command files
 | OS-9 support for disk images
 | downloading individual OS-9 files
| |
 | H17 emulator image format, and H8D raw data image format supported.
 | single-sided single density hard-sectored(SS SD HS)
 | reading/booting the diskette image
 | writing the diskette image
 | formatting the diskette image
 | CP/M and HDOS support
 | downloading individual files - you can download individual BASIC programs or command files for HDOS and CP/M
| |
 | H17 emulator image format, and H8D raw data image format supported.
 | single-sided single density hard-sectored(SS SD HS)
 | single-sided single density soft-sectored(SS SD SS)
 | reading/booting the diskette image
 | writing the diskette image
 | formatting the diskette image
 | CP/M and HDOS support
 | downloading individual files - you can download individual BASIC programs or command files for HDOS and CP/M
| |
 | 13 and 16 sector diskette support
 | NIB, DO, and PO file image support
 | many copy-protected images will work
 | copy-protected images using "half-track" stepping won't work
 | supports both disk 1 and disk 2 - though they are named Disk 0 and Disk 1 in the SVD
 | cannot format the floppy image - you can init a NIB image however
 | you can now write to the floppy image
 | downloading files - downloaded files will be wrapped with either DOS 3.3 or DOS 3.2. Unfortunately, ProDOS is not yet supported as a file wrapper (though you CAN easily boot ProDOS)
| |
 | support for v9t9, TIDisk, and pc99 disk image formats
 | requires a floppy controller either in the Peripheral Expansion System or the Disk Drive Controller
 | supports commands from the Disk Manager (and Disk Manager II)
 | reading the diskette image
 | writing the diskette image
 | formatting the diskette image
 | downloading individual files - downloading individual BASIC programs or command files
 | single sided double & single density
 | double sided - this will be supported with the SVD II to be release late 2005
| |